
Liste des articles 2015

A1.2015- F. Elwasli, F.Zemzemi, A.Mkaddem, S.Mzali, S.Mezlini

"A3D multi-scratch test model for characterizing material removal regimes in 5083-Al alloy".

Materials and Design 87 (2015) 352-362   SJR: 1.8


A2.2015- M. Ghiss, B. Giannesini, P. Tropiano, Z. Tourki, and O. Boiron,

Quantitative MRI water content mapping of porcine intervertebral disc during uniaxial compression. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. September 2015. (Impact factor: 1.974)


A3.2015- Souad Mbarek,a,b Patrick Baronic and Laurence Noirezc* 

"Highlighting delayed elastic processes at zero stress in a polymer glass".

Delayed elastic processes in a polymer glass

Published online in Wiley Online Library: 15 June 2015

Polym Int 2015; 64: 1303–1308   © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry   IF: 2.35


A4.2015- Iben Houria, M., Nadot, Y., Fathallah, R., Roy, M., & Maijer, D. M

 "Influence of casting defect and SDAS on the multiaxial fatigue behaviour of A356-T6 alloy including mean stress effect".

International Journal of Fatigue.May . (2015)    IF: 3.132


A5.2015 Maha Zaghdoudi, Pierre-Antoine Albouy, Zoubeir Tourki, Arnaud Vieyres, Paul Sotta

"Relation Between Stress and Segmental Orientation during Mechanical Cycling of a Natural Rubber-Based Compound”. Journal of Polymer science, part b: Polymer physics 2014, 53, 943–950. IF= 2.588



 A6.2015 M. Zaghdoudi Z. Tourki and P-A Albouy  "Characterisation of vulcanised natural rubber behaviour by monotonic and in situ cyclic X-ray scattering tests". Plastics, Rubber and Composites Macromolecular Engineering Volume 44, 2015 - Issue 6  IF=0.848

Liste des articles 2016

A1.2016- Amani Lachiguer, Céline Bouby, Fehmi Gamaoun, Tarak Bouraoui and Tarak Ben Zineb

" Modeling of hydrogen effect on the superelastic behavior of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy wires"

Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 25, Numéro 11,

 2016, Impact factor: 2,769


A2.2016- AH Chebbi, Y. Chouaibi, Z Affi and L Romdhane

" Sensitivity analysis and prediction of the orientation error of a three translational parallel manipulator"

Journal of Mechanical Engieering Science, DOI: 10.1177/09544406216675380, 2016, Impact factor:  0,730


A3.2016- Hend Ben Hadj Salah, Hachmi Ben Daly, Johanne Denault, Florence Perrin

“UV-degradation of clay reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites”, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 56, 

Issue 4, pages 469–478, April 2016. Impact Factor: 1,449


A4.2016-  H. Lamine, S. Bennour, L. Romdhane 

" Design of cable-driven parallel manipulators for a specificworkspace using interval analysis”

Advanced Robotics, Volume30,  Numéro 9

2016, Impact factor: 0,516


A5.2016- Mohamed Amine Ben Abdallah, ImedKhemili, NizarAifaoui

" Numerical investigation of a flexible slider–crank mechanism with multijoints with clearance"

Journal of Multibody Dynamics, Volume 38, Numéro 2

2016, Impact factor: 1,389


A6.2016- MortadhaGraa, Mohamed Nejlaoui1, AjmiHouidi, ZouhaierAffi, and LotfiRomdhane

" Mechatronic suspension design for full rail vehicle system"

Journal of Multibody Dynamics, DOI:10.1177/1464419316679298, 2016,  Impact factor: 1,389


A7.2016- MortadhaGraa, Mohamed Nejlaoui, Ajmi Houidi, ZouhaierAffi, and Lotfi Romdhane

" Development of a reduced dynamic model for comfort evaluation of rail vehicle systems"

Journal of Multibody Dynamics, DOI: 10.1177/1464419315627914, 2016, Impact factor: 1,389


A8.2016- Mortadha Graa, Mohamed Nejlaoui1, Ajmi Houidi, Zouhaier Affi, and Lotfi Romdhane

" Mechatronic rail vehicle design based on the passenger comfort"

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Volume 9, Numéro 3, 2016, ISSN:1791-2377

 Impact factor: SJR: 0.225


A9.2016- M. Mhalla et C. Bouraoui

" Experimental, analytical, and finite element study of stress concentration factors for composite materials"

Journal of composite materials, 2016, Impact factor:  1,242


A10.2016- W.Dandana, M.A. Yousfi, K.Hajlaoui, F. Gamaoun et A.R. Yavari

" Themal stability in hydrogen-induced softening in Zr57-Al10-Cu15.4-Ni12.6-Nb5"

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016,  Impact factor : 1,825


A11.2016- W. Elkhal Letaief, T. Hassine and F. Gamaoun

" Effect of Hydrogen on the Stress Relaxation of Aged NiTi Shape Memory Alloys"

Acta Physica Polonica A , Volume 129,  Numéro4

2016, Impact factor: 0,43


A12.2016- Wissem Elkhal Letaief,  Tarek Hassin, Fehmi Gamaoun

" Rate Dependency During Relaxation of Superelastic Orthodontic NiTi Alloys After Hydrogen Charging"

Shape Memory and Super elasticity, Volume 2, Numéro 1

2016, ISSN: 2199-384X (Print) 2199-3858 (Online


A13.2016- A. Bahloul & A. Ben Ahmed & M. M. Mhala & C. H. Bouraoui

"Probabilistic approach for predicting fatigue life improvement of cracked structure repaired by high interference fit bushing"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9957-6  Impact factor: 2.601


A14.2016-  R.B.A. Ouled Ahmed, S. Chatti, H. Ben Daly

" Modeling of Hygrothermal Damage of Composite Materials"

Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 3 (2016) 137-144  Indexé


A15.2016- Hassine Wannes, a, Anouar Nasr, and Chokri Bouraoui,

"New fatigue limit assessment approach of defective material under fully reversed tension and torsion loading"

Mechanics & Industry 113, 310 (2016) c_AFM, EDP Sciences 2016 DOI: 10.1051/meca/2015064


A16.2016- A. Ben Ahmed & A. Nasr & R. Fathallah

"Probabilistic high cycle fatigue behavior prediction of A356-T6 alloy considering the SDAS dispersion"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9628-7


A17.2016- M.M. Mhalla*, A. Bahloul, Ch. Bouraoui

"Analytical models for predicting tensile strength and acoustic emission count of a glass fiber reinforced polyamide using response surface method"

Journal of Alloys and Compounds xxx (2016) 1-9


A18.2016- M.GRAA, M. Nejlaoui, A. Houidi, Z. Affi, L. Romdhane,

” Modeling and control of rail vehicle suspensions: A comparative study based on the passenger

comfort”, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 232, 2: pp. 260-274 December 2016.  IF=0.996

Liste des articles 2017


A1-17.  Wissem Elkhal LETAIEF, Tarek  HASSINE & Fehmi GAMAOUN

"In situ stress relaxation mechanism of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy under hydrogen charging". Philosophical magazine letters, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/09500839.2016 1273556  IF: 1.194


A2-17. Wissem Elkhal Letaief, Tarek Hassine & Fehmi Gamaoun

" Tensile behaviour of superelastic NiTi alloys charged withh ydrogen under applied strain"

Materials Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02670836. 2017.1320084  IF: 1.803


A3-17. W. ElkhalLetaief, T. Hassine and F. Gamaoun

"A coupled model between hydrogen diffusion and mechanical behavior of superelastic  NiTialloys” Smart Materials and structures, 26 (2017) 075001 (11pp) IF: 2.963


A4-17. Houssein LAMINE, Med Amine LARIBI, Sami BENNOUR, Lotfi ROMDHANE, Said ZEGHLOUL

" Design study of a cable -based Gait Training Machine". Journal of Bionic Enginnering 14 (2017) 232-244  IF: 2.325



"Probabilistic approach for predicting fatigue life improvement of cracked structure repaired by high interference fit bushing". Int J Adv Manuf TechnilDoi 10.1007/S00170-016-9957-62017

IF: 2.601


A6-17. A. Bahloul, CH. BouraouiT. Boukharouba

" Prediction of  fatigue life by crack growth analysis" , International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2017  IF: 2.601.


A7-17. Nasr, Y.Nadot, Ch. Bouraoui and R. Fathallah

"Fatigue life assessment for material containing defects under multiaxial loading"

Metallurgical Research & Technology EDP Sciences, 2016 Volume 114, Number 1, 2017 IF: 0.574


A8-17. Aymen Khadr Ajmi Houidi  and Lotfi Romdhane

"Dynamic modelling and handling study of a two wheeled vehicle on a curved track"

Mechanics and Industry

Volume 18, Number 4, 2017  IF: 0.659


A9-17. Nasr, W. Hassine, Ch. Bouraoui

"Fatigue limit assessment for defective materials based on affected depth "

Mettal. Res. Technol. Vol, No (2017) DOI: 0.1051/ métal /2017045  IF: 0574


A10-17. Mariem Dakhli & Atef  Boulila & Zoubeir  Tourki

"Effect of generatrix profile on single-point incremental forming parameters"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0598-1 IF: 2.6


A11-17. Mohamed Abdelbasset Yousfi, Cheima Ammari, Khalil Hajlaoui, Nikolaos T. Panagiotopoulos, Zoubeir Tourki

" On a new electromechanical switch using the reversible wavy elastic response of metallic glass ribbons ". Comptes Rendus Mécanique, CRMECANIQUE-D-17-00092R1  IF: 1.127


A12-17. M.A. Yousfi, N.T. Panagiotopoulos , A.M. Jorge Junior, K. Georgarakis, A.R. Yavari

"Novel micro-flat springs using the superior elastic properties of metallic glass foils"

Scripta Materialia 131 (2017) 84–88  DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.01.012  IF: 4.163


A13-17. S. Arfaoui, F. Zemzemi & Z. Tourki

"Relationship between cutting process parameters and white layer thickness in orthogonal cutting"

DOI:  10.1080/10426914.2017.1364849  On ligne: 18 August 2017  IF: 2.669


A14-17. Mhalla Mohamed Makki, Bahloul Ahmed, Bouraoui Chokri

"Reliability prediction of the stress concentration factor using response surface method"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol    DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0910-0  IF: 2.601



A15-17. Maroua Saggar, Haifa Sallem, Chokri Bouraoui

"Fatigue life prediction under variable loading based on a new damage model devoted for defective material"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol  IF: 2.601


A16-17. Sami Bennour, Baptiste Ulrich, Thomas, Legrand, Brigitte M.Julien Favre

"A Gait Retraining System using Augmented-Reality to Modify Footprint Parameters: Effects on Lower-Limb Sagittal-Plane Kinematics"

Journal of Biomécanique, Octobre 2017 IF: 2.431.


A17-17. S. Bennour, B.Ulrich, T. Legrand, B.Jolles, J. Favre

"Effets of foot progression angle on knee biomechanics during gait modification"

Journal des méthodes informatiques en Biomécanique et génie biomédical, Vol. 20, No. S1, Octobre 2017  IF: 1.974


A18-17. H. Lamine, S. Bennour, MA Laribi, L. Romdhane, S. Zeghloul

"Evaluation of Calibrated Kinect Gait Kinematics Using a Vicon Motion Capture System"

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.20, No. S1, October 2017 IF: 1.974


A19-17. Shirinbayan M, Fitoussi J, Meraghni F, Surowiec B, Laribi M.A, Tcharkhtchi A.

"Coupled effect of  loading frequency and amplitude on the fatigue behavior of advanced sheet molding compound (A-SMC)", Journal of Reintforced Plastics and Composites; 36(4): 271-282 (2017), IF: 1.471


A20-17. Meftah, H., Tamboura, S., Fitoussi, J

"Characterization of a New Fully Recycled Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Subjected to High Strain Rate Tension". Journal of applied composites materials, https: // (2017), IF: 1.333


A21-17. A. Bahloul, A. Ben Ahmed, CH. Bouraoui

"Probabilistic fatigue crack growth assessment of A1 7075-T6 aerospace component. Structural Integrity Procedia 5 (2017) 430-437.  Indexé


A22-17. A. Bahloul, A. Ben Ahmed, M.M. Mhallah, CH. Bouraoui

"An Engineering Predictive Approach of fatigue crack growth behavior: case of the Lug-Type Joint". Comptes Rendus-Mécanique 2017  IF: 1.127.


A23-17. Hajloui, K., Alsaleh, N., Alrasheedi, N.H., Yavari, A.R.

" Coalescence and subsequent twinning of nanocrystals during deformation of CuZr-based metallic glasses: The grain size effects, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 464, pp.39-43 (2017) IF: 2.488


A24-17. Jbira, M. Tlija, B. Louhichi, A. Tahan,

"CAD/Tolerancing Integration :Mechanical Assembly with form defects, Advances in Enginnering Software 2017, (  IF: 3.198



" On the influence of the heat treatment temperature on the superelastic compressive behavior of the Ni rchi Niti shape memory alloy", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. (Septembre 2017). DOI: 10.1007/s11665-017-2974-2 JMEP-17-02-12461.R.  IF: 1.34


A26-17. Rihab GRISSA, Farhat ZEMZEMI, Raoudha SEDDIK, Raouf Fathallah,

"A Numerical-Analytical Approach to Predict High Cycle Fatigue Performance of Finish Machined AISI 316 L Steel". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2017) in press IF: 2.601.


A27-17. R. Grissa, F. Zemzemi, R. Fathallah

" Three approaches for modeling residual stresses induced by orthogonal cutting of AISI316L". International journal of Mechanical Sciences (2017), Doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.11.029 IF: 3.57


A28-17. R. Seddik, A. Bahloul, A. Atig, R. Fathallah

"A simple methodology to optimize shot-peening process parameters using finite element simulations". International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 90 (2017) 2345-23  

IF: 2.601


A29.2017-  R. Sarraj, T. Hassine and F. Gamoun                                                                                                     "Mechanical behavior of NiTi arc wires under pseudoelastic cycling and cathodically hydrogen charging" Materials Research Express (2017) IF: 1.151


A30. M.A. Laribia, S. Tamboura, J. Fitoussia, R. Tié Bic, A. Tcharkhtchia, H. Ben Dalib

"Fast fatigue life prediction of short fiber reinforced composites using a new

hybrid damage approach: Application to SMC"

Composites Part B 139 (2018) 155–162

Available online 05 December 2017  IF: 4.92



Liste des articles 2018:

A1.2018-  A. Eltaief, B. Louhichi, S. Remy                                                                                                              "Associations Management and Change Propagation in the CAD Assembly, accepté à Computers in Industry 2018. IF: 2.85      


A2.2018- Maroua Saggar & Chokri Bouraoui & Anouar Nasr                                                                                                  " Fatigue reliability prediction of defective materials based on a useful equivalent Wöhler curve".The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Paru en ligne: 17 April 2018   IF: 2.601


A3.2018- Anouar Nasr & Wannes Hassine & Maroua Saggar & Chokri Bouraoui                                                          "High cycle fatigue approach based on affected depth and considering the secondary dendrite arming spacing (SDAS) effect for a defectiveA356-T6 alloy"

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology  En ligne: 15 July 2018  IF: 2.601


A4.2018- P. Zuoa, R.C. Benevidesb , M.A. Laribia , J. Fitoussia , M. Shirinbayana , F. Bakirc , A. Tcharkhtchi                                                                                                                                                                        "Multi-scale analysis of the effect of loading conditions on monotonic and fatigue behavior of a glass fiber reinforced polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)composite"  

Composites Part B 145 (2018) 173–181  Available online: 17 March 2018  IF: 4.92


A5.2018- Mohamed Ounaies, Manel Harchay, Fachkreddine Dammak and Hachmi Ben Daly                                               "Prediction of hygrothermal behavior of polyester/glass fiber composite in dissymmetric absorption"  Journal of Composite Materials  Journal of Composite Materials 0(0) 1-7 DOI: 10.1177/0031998318773458  (2018)

 IF: 1.613


A6.2018- S. Arfaoui & F. Zemzemi & Z. Tourki                                                                                        

 "A numerical-analytical approach to predict white and dark layer thickness of hard machining"                                                         The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology  / 05 March 2018    IF: 2.601                  


A7.2018-    W.Dandana, K.Hajlaoui                                                                                                                                   "Effect of hydrogen addition on the mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glass  Journal of Alloys and Compounds"

Volume 742, 25 April 2018    IF= 3,779       


A8.2018-   Wissem Elkhal Letaief, Aroua Fathallah, Tarek Hassine, Fehmi Gamaoun                                                                                                   "Finite element analysis of hydrogen effects on superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys: Orthodontic application". 

 DOI: 10.1177 / 1045389X18754356   (2018)  Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures  01/02/2018    IF: 2.211


A9.2018-  Ahmed Bahloul , Mohamed Maki Mhalla, CHokri Bouraoui                                                                           "Crack repair of SENT specimen using the interference fit process"

 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 748 (2018) 363e374   IF: 3.779


A10.2018-  Mohamed Makki Mhalla, Ahmed Bahloul and Chokri Bouraoui

"Probability prediction of tensile strength with acoustic emission count of a glass fiber reinforced polyamide"

Mechanics & Industry 19, 110 (2018) Volume 19,  Number1, 2018, Number of page(s) 9,

 DOI: /, Published online: 31 August 2018 IF: 0.659


A11.2018-   A. Korbi & M. Tlija & B. Louhichi & A. BenAmara                                                                        "CAD/tolerancing integration: a new approach for tolerance analysis of non-rigid parts assemblies"                                                    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology en ligne: 28 June 2018    IF: 2.601               



A12.2018- Imed KHEMILI, Mohamed Amine BEN ABDALLAH, Nizar AIFAOUI,

"Multi-objective optimization of a flexible slider-crank mechanism synthesis, based on dynamic responses" Journal of Engineering Optimization,  DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2018.1508574  (2018) IF: 1.622.        


A13.2018-   Grissa, R., Zemzemi, F., Fathallah, R.                                                                      

 "Efficient constitutive material model for predicting residual stresses induced by orthogonal cutting"   Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32(6), pp. 2765-2771 (2018) IF: 3.57 


A14.2018- Sbayti, M., Bahloul, R., BelH adj Salah, H., Zemzemi, F.                                                                   "Optimization techniques applied to single point incremental forming process for biomedical application"                                           International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

95(5-8), pp. 1789-1804 (2018)   IF: 2.601 


A15.2018- Elwasli, F., Mzali, S., Zemzemi, F., Mkaddem, A., Mezlini, S.                                                                     "Effects of initial surface topography and contact regimes on tribological behavior of AISI-52100/AA5083 materials’ pair when reciprocating sliding"      International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 137, pp. 271-283 (2018)  IF: 3.57


A16.2018-  Houssem Saafi, Med Amine Laribi, Said Zeghloul, Marc Arsicault                                                                   "On the Development of a New Master Device Used for Medical Tasks"  ASME. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 2018; 10 (4): 044501-044501-6. doi: 10,1115 / 1,4039590.  (IF: 2,371).


A17-2018. Célestin Préault, Houssem Saafi, Med Amine Laribi, and Said Zeghloul

"Optimal design and evaluation of a dexterous 4 DoFs haptic device based on delta architecture "

Robotica: page 1 of 22. © Cambridge University Press 2018 doi:10.1017/S0263574718000929 IF: 1.117


A18.2018-  Souad Mbarek · Nadia El Kissi · Zaineb Baccouch · Cristina Iojoiu                                                          "Extrusion of Nafion and Aquivion membranes:environmentally friendly procedure and good conductivities" Polymer Bulletin,  July 2018  IF: 1.589


A19.2018- K. Souaissa, M. Ghiss, M. Chrigui, H. Bentaher, and A. Maalej                        

 " A comprehensive analysis of aerodynamic flow around H-Darrieus rotor with camber-bladed profile"  Wind Engineering, August  2018. (SJR 0.294) 


A20.2018- M. A. Chetoui, O. Boiron, M. Ghiss, A. Dogui, and V. Deplano

Assessment of intervertebral disc degeneration-related properties using finite element models based on ρH−weighted MRI data" Biomech Model Mechanobiol. August 2018 doi:10.1007/s10237-018-10641

 IF: 3.212


A21.2018- Sonia Boukettaya, Ahmad Alawar, Fahad Almaskari , Hachmi Ben Daly , Ahmed Abdala  and Sami Chatti                                                                                             

 "Modeling of water diffusion mechanism in polypropylene/date palm fiber composite materials"

Journal of Composite Materials 0(0) 1–9

The Author(s) 2018  DOI: 10.1177/0021998317752228  IF: 1.613


A22.2018- S. Tamboura, H. Meftah ,  J. Fitoussi, H. BenDaly,  A. Tcharkhtchi                

"Thermal aging kinetic and effects on mechanical behavior of fully recycled composite based on polypropylene/polyethylene blend"                          

  1. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46640 IF: 1.901


23.2018- Rihab Messadi, Tarek Hassine, Hachmi Ben Daly and Marie France Lacrampe

"Contribution for a better characterization of the tensile mechanical

behaviour of flax/PP biocomposite materials"

Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018) 125504  PUBLISHED 28 September 2018  IF: 1.151


A24.2018- Raja Ouled Ahmed Ben Ali and Sami Chatti

"Simplified springback prediction of thick sandwich panel"

Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 0(0) 1–20 The Author(s) 2018  IF: 2.776

DOI: 10.1177/1099636218779320


A25.2018- Sana Abid, RihabMessadi ,Tarek Hassine, Hachemi Ben Daly, Jérémie Soulestin, Marie-France Lacrampe

"Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Using RSM Design ". 

 DOI: 10.1007/s00170-018-2710-6(2018) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Septembre 2018   IF=2.601


A26.2018- Riheme SARRAJ, Wissem Elkhal Letaief, Tarek HASSINE and Fehmi GAMAOUN

"Modeling of rate dependency of mechanical behavior of superelastic NiTi alloy under cyclic loading", International Journal of advanced manufacturing technology,  DOI: 10.1007/s00170-018-2872-2  IF: 2.601


A27.2018- H. Elgolli1 & A. Houidi1,2 & A. Mlika1 & L. Romdhane1,3

"Analytical analysis of the dynamic of a spherical parallel manipulator

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Accepted: 24 October 2018 , online: 09 November 2018  IF: 2.601


A28.2018- Mariem Dakhli & Atef Boulila & Pierre-Yves Manach & Zoubeir Tourki

" Optimization of processing parameters and surface roughness of metallic sheets plastically deformed by incremental forming process"

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology   IF: 2.601


A29.2018- Ahmed Bahloul, Chokri Bouraoui

"The overload effect on the crack-tip cyclic plastic deformation response in SA333 Gr 6 C-Mn steel"

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics xxx (2018) xxx-xxx  Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Received 23 July 2018; Received in revised form 25 October 2018; Accepted 7 November 2018

Available online xxx 0167-8442/ © 2018   IF: 2.215.





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