
Liste des communications 2012

A1.2012- A. Chaker, A. MLIKA, M.A. Laribi, Romdhane Lotfi and S.Zeghoul,

« Synthesis of a Spherical Parallel Manipulator for a Dexterous Medical Task »,

Front. Mech. Eng. Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 150-162 (2012)  Indexé



 "Shape Memory Effect Improvement and Study of the Corrosion Resistance of the Fe-8Mn-6Si-13Cr-6Ni-12Co Alloy"

Advanced Materials Research, 476 (2012) 2162-2170


A3.2012- M. Frija1, a, R. Ben Sghaier2, b, Ch. Bouraoui3, c, R. Fathallah4, d


Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 146 (2012) pp 83-95

Online available since 2011/Dec/22 at

© (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland



A4.2012- S. Bennour, N. Zarrouk, M. Dogui, L. Romdhane, J-P. Merlet,

"Biomechanical model of the ankle to estimate the forces in the tendons during an isometric Dorsal/Plantar flexion",

Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (Vol. 15, No. S1, September 2012, 167–170), Impact Factor: 1.770.


A5.2012- Souad Mbarek  , Mohamed Jaziri a , Christian Carrot b , Yvan Chalamet b

"Thermomechanical properties of a polymer blend: Investigation of a third phase".

Mechanics of Materials 52 (2012) 78–86

Liste des communications 2011

C1.2011- M. A. Laribi, A.Mlika, L.Romdhane,  S.Zeghloul

Multi criteria optimum design of 3 dof translational in parallel manipulators”

13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Mexico, June19-25. 2011


C2.2011- A. Chaker, M.A. Laribi, Romdhane Lotfi and S.Zeghoul,

"Synthesis of a Spherical Parallel Manipulator for a Dexterous Medical Task"

the 2nd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM2011), Novermber 3- 5, Shanghai, China 2011


C3.2011- A. Chaker, M.A. Laribi ,S. Zeghloul, L. Romdhane,

"Design and Optimization of Spherical Parallel Manipulator as a Haptic Medical Device",

the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence (IECON 2011) 7-10 November 2011 Melbourne Australia.


C4.2011- A. Chaker, M. A. Laribi, S. Zeghloul et L. Romdhane,

« Architecture parallèle sphérique haptique : Application à la médecine »,

4ème Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques,

 30 mai-1 juin Mars, Sousse-Tunisie (CMSM 2011)


C5.2011- A. Chaker, M. A. Laribi, S. Zeghloul et L. Romdhane,

"Etude cinématique d’un manipulateur parallèle sphérique pour des applications médicales"

20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août au 2 septembre 2011


C6.2011- A. Khadr, A. Houidi, L. Romdhane

« Etude  du  comportement d’un cyclomotoriste durant un accident de la circulation routière».

4 ième Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM ’2011,  Sousse 21-23 Mars 2011, Tunisie



"Ageing effect and hydrogen embrittlement of a superelastic NiTi alloy".

4ième Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM’2011 (2011) 



 "Shape memory effect and influence of microstructure on corrosion behavior in Fe32Mn6Si SMA".

4ème Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM’2011 (2011) .


C9.2011- M. A. Yousfia , K. Hajlaoui b,c, Z. Tourkia,b

 "Modélisation rhéologique de l’écoulement en dents de scie des verres métalliques".

4ème Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM’2011

Sousse 21-23 Mars 2011, Tunisie


C10.2011- S. Boukettaya, H. Ben Daly, A. Alawar and A. Hammami,

"Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Date Palm Fiber /Polypropylene Composites"

4 éme congrès international de conception et modélisation des systèmes mécaniques, CMSM’2011, Sousse, Tunisie, 30 mai- 1 er Juin 2011


C11.2011- Ch.Bouraoui1 , Med.Boussaadia1 , T.Hassine ,R.Ben Sghaier1 et M.Karama2

 "Effet des facteurs influent sur la fiabilité du comportement mécanique d‘une plaque en composite trouée sollicitée à la fatigue".

Deuxième Congrès Tunisien de Mécanique COTUME’2011 

Sousse 19-21 Mars 2012


C12.2011-  S. Bennour,L. Romdhane, M. Harshe, J-P. Merlet,

 "A Robotic Application for Analysis and Control of Human Motion",

Quatrième CongrèsInternational : Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM'2011, Sousse Tunisie, 2011.


C13.2011- M. Harshe, J-P. Merlet, D. Daney, S. Bennour,

"A Multi-sensors System for Human Motion Measurement: Preliminary Setup",

13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato México, June 2011.


C14.2011- S. Bennour, L. Romdhane, M. Harshe, J-P. Merlet,

"Nouvelle machine robotisée à base d’une plateforme à câbles pour la rééducation fonctionnelle",

20ème Congrès International : Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM’11), Besançon France, Aout 2011.


C15.2011- M Nejlaoui., Z Affi., A.Houidi , L Romdhane

"Multi objective robust design optimization of rail vehicle".

Procceeding of IFToMM 2011, México. ISBN 978-607- 441-131-7




Liste des articles 2011

 A1.2011- F. Mhenni, P. Serré, A. Mlika, L. Romdhane,  A. Rivière

« Variations and Clearance Computation in Overconstrained Mechanisms »

Asian International Journal of Science and Technology in production and Manufacturing Engineering 2011 4(3), 55-65


A2.2011Fehmi GAMAOUN, Montassarbellah LTAIEF, Tarak BOURAOUI, Tarak BEN ZINEB

"Effect of hydrogen on the tensile strength of aged Ni–Ti superelastic alloy".

Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; 22(17) (2011) 2053–2059



"Effect of the Residual Deformation on the Mechanical Behavior of the Ni-Ti Alloy Charged by Hydrogen".

Advanced Materials Research 324 (2011) 181-184


A4.2011- H. Ben Hadj Salah, H. Ben Daly, F. Perrin, J. Denault,

"Non-isothermal crystallization behavior of clay-reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites"

Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol. 18, September 2011, pp 173–179.


A5.2011- M. A. Yousfi,1 K. Hajlaoui,2, 3 Z. Tourki,1 and A. R. Yavari3

"Constitutive Rheological Modeling of Flow Serration Behaviour in Metallic Glasses Showing Nanocrystallization during Deformation".

 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2011, Article ID 910962, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/910962


A6.2011- M. FRIJA1,a, R. FATHALLAH2,b and L. Ben FKIH2,c

"Modeling of the superficial Laser Shock Peening treatment Process: Application on a Titanium aircraft turbine engine blade"

Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 62 (2011) pp 85-94

Online available since 2011/Jun/08 at

© (2011) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland



A7.2011- M Nejlaoui., Z Affi., A.Houidi , L Romdhane

 "Multi objective robust design optimization of rail vehicle".

Procceeding of IFToMM 2011, México. ISBN 978-607- 441-131-7.


A8.2011- Sami Chatti, Narjess Chtioui

"Sheet metal ferming simulation using finite elaqtoplasicity with mixed isotropic/kinematic hardening".

European  Jormal of  Computational Mechanics.Volume 20-No.7-8/2011, pages 427 to 453


A9.2011- S. Bennour, M. Harshe, L. Romdhane, J-P. Merlet

 "A new experimental setup based on a parallel cable robot for Analysis and Control of Human Motion",

Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (Vol. 14, No. S1, August 2011, 83–85), Impact Factor: 1.770.


Liste des articles 2012



A1.2012- A. Chaker, A. MLIKA, M.A. Laribi, Romdhane Lotfi and S.Zeghoul,

« Synthesis of a Spherical Parallel Manipulator for a Dexterous Medical Task »,

Front. Mech. Eng. Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 150-162 (2012)  Indexé



A2.2012- S. Bennour, N. Zarrouk, M. Dogui, L. Romdhane, J-P. Merlet,

"Biomechanical model of the ankle to estimate the forces in the tendons during an isometric Dorsal/Plantar flexion",

Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (Vol. 15, No. S1, September 2012, 167–170), Impact Factor: 1.770.



A3.2012- Souad Mbarek  , Mohamed Jaziri a , Christian Carrot b , Yvan Chalamet b

"Thermomechanical properties of a polymer blend: Investigation of a third phase".

Mechanics of Materials 52 (2012) 78–86



A4.2012- Amani Bensghaier, Lotfi Romdhane, Fethi Benouezdou

"Multi-objective optimization to pridict muscle tensions in a pinch function using genetic algorithm"

Comptes Rendus Mecanique C.R. Mécanique 340 (2012) 139-155

IF: 1.316



A5.2012- Maha Zaghdoudi, Zohra Gaiech, Lamia Bejaoui, Zoubeir Tourki, Adnane Boukamel

"Modeling and Numerical Simulations with Compressible Damaged Hyperelastic Law: Application to the Laminated Rubber Bearing"

Materials Sciences and Applications, 2012,3,821-828 Indexé

DOI: 10.4236/msa.2012.311119



A6.2012- S. Chatti, R. Fathallah

"A study of the variations in elastic modulus and its effect on springback prediction"

Original Research DOI: 10.1007/s12289.012.1106.7  (2012)


A7.2012- Sami Chatti, Narjess Chtioui

"Sheet metal forming simulation using finite elastoplasticity with mixed isotrocic/kinematic hardening"

European Journal of Computational Mechanics. Volume 20-n° 7-8/2011, pages 427 to 453


Liste des articles 2013

A1.2013-  A. Chaker, A. MLIKA, M.A. Laribi, Romdhane Lotfi and S.Zeghoul,

" Clearance and manufacturing errors effects on the accuracy of the 3-RCC Spherical Parallel Manipulator "

European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Volume 37, January–February 2013, Pages 86–95 (IF 1.592)


A2.2013- M.A. Yousfi1), K. Hajlaoui1,2)† , Z. Tourki1) and A.R. Yavari2)

 "Serrated Flow Model for Metallic Glasses under Compressive Loading".

Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) Vol.26 No. 5 pp. 503—508 October 2013 IF: 0.467


A3.2013- S. Bennour, N. Zarrouk, M. Dogui, L. Romdhane, J-P. Merlet

 "Validation of optimization model that estimates the musculotendinous forces during an isometric extension of knee"

 Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (Vol. 16, No. S1, August 2013, 167–179), Impact Factor: 1.770.


A4.2013- Fehmi Gamaoun, Tarak Hassine & Tarak Bouraoui

"Strain rate response of a Ni–Ti shape memory alloy after hydrogen charging"

Philosophical Magazine Letters

Philosophical Magazine

Letters (2013): Strain rate response of a Ni–Ti shape memory alloy after hydrogen charging,

Philosophical Magazine Letters, DOI: 10.1080/09500839.2013.855330

Published online: 21 Nov 2013. IF: 1.3


A5.2013- Fehmi Gamaoun, Imen Skhiri, Tarak Bouraoui, and Tarak Ben Zineb

"Hydrogen effect on the austenite–martensite transformation of the cycled Ni-Ti alloy"

Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2014, Vol. 25(8) 980–988_ The Author(s) 2013

DOI: 10.1177/1045389X13502868 IF: 1.6


A6.2013- Fehmi Gamaoun, Tarek Hassine

"Ageing Effect and Rate Dependency of a NiTi Shape Memory Alloy after Hydrogen


Accepted Manuscript DOI: IF: 2.390


A7.2013- El-Kribi. B, Houidi.A, Affi.Z, Romdhane.L

"Application of multi-objective genetic algorithms to the mechatronic design of a four bar system with continuous and discrete varialbles"

Mechanism and Machine Theory 2013

IF: 1.214


A8.2013H. Ben Hadj Salah, H. Ben Daly, J. Denault, F. Perrin,

“Morphological aspects of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites materials”, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 

53, Issue 5, pages 905–913, May 2013. Impact Factor: 1,441


A9.2013- M. Nejlaoui, A. Houidi, Z. Affi, L. Romdhane

"Multiobjective robust design optimization of rail vehicle moving in short radius curved tracks based on the safety and confort criteria"

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 30 (2013) 21-34 DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2012.07.012 IF: 2.092


Liste des articles 2014

A1.2014- A.Chaker, A. Mlika, M.A. Laribi, L. Romdhane, S. Zeghloul

"Accuracy Analysis of Non-Overconstrained Spherical Parallel Manipulators

European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids Numéro: 47 -2014

Impact Factor: 1.904


A2.2014- Boukattaya Sonia, Al Seddique Waseem, Alawar Ahmad, Ben Daly Hachmi, Hammami Adel

"Colling rate effects on the crystallization kinetics of Polypropylene/Date Palm Fiber Composite materials"

Science and Enginnering of Composite Materials  2014

Impact Factor: 0.593


A3.2014- M. Ghisse, Glannesini, P. Tropiano, Z. Tourki, O. Boiron

"NMR imaging investigation of the incompressible poroelastic behavior of porcine intervertebral disk under external mechanical stress": Review Matériaux & Techniques, February 2014.(indexé scopus)



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