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Liste des communications 2016

A1.2016- Amani Lachiguer, Céline Bouby, Fehmi Gamaoun, Tarak Bouraoui and Tarak Ben Zineb

" Modeling of hydrogen effect on the superelastic behavior of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy wires"

Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 25, Numéro 11,

 2016, Impact factor: 2,769


A2.2016- AH Chebbi, Y. Chouaibi, Z Affi and L Romdhane

" Sensitivity analysis and prediction of the orientation error of a three translational parallel manipulator"

Journal of Mechanical Engieering Science, DOI: 10.1177/09544406216675380, 2016, Impact factor:  0,730


A3.2016- Hend Ben Hadj Salah, Hachmi Ben Daly, Johanne Denault, Florence Perrin

“UV-degradation of clay reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites”, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 56, 

Issue 4, pages 469–478, April 2016. Impact Factor: 1,449


A4.2016-  H. Lamine, S. Bennour, L. Romdhane 

" Design of cable-driven parallel manipulators for a specificworkspace using interval analysis”

Advanced Robotics, Volume30,  Numéro 9

2016, Impact factor: 0,516


A5.2016- Mohamed Amine Ben Abdallah, ImedKhemili, NizarAifaoui

" Numerical investigation of a flexible slider–crank mechanism with multijoints with clearance"

Journal of Multibody Dynamics, Volume 38, Numéro 2

2016, Impact factor: 1,389


A6.2016- MortadhaGraa, Mohamed Nejlaoui1, AjmiHouidi, ZouhaierAffi, and LotfiRomdhane

" Mechatronic suspension design for full rail vehicle system"

Journal of Multibody Dynamics, DOI:10.1177/1464419316679298, 2016,  Impact factor: 1,389


A7.2016- MortadhaGraa, Mohamed Nejlaoui, AjmiHouidi, ZouhaierAffi, and LotfiRomdhane

" Development of a reduced dynamic model for comfort evaluation of rail vehicle systems"

Journal of Multibody Dynamics, DOI: 10.1177/1464419315627914, 2016, Impact factor: 1,389


A8.2016- MortadhaGraa, Mohamed Nejlaoui1, AjmiHouidi, ZouhaierAffi, and LotfiRomdhane

" Mechatronic rail vehicle design based on the passenger comfort"

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Volume 9, Numéro 3, 2016, ISSN:1791-2377


A9.2016- M. Mhalla et C. Bouraoui

" Experimental, analytical, and finite element study of stress concentration factors for composite materials"

Journal of composite materials, 2016, Impact factor:  1,242


A10.2016- W.Dandana, M.A. Yousfi, K.Hajlaoui, F. Gamaoun et A.R. Yavari

" Themal stability in hydrogen-induced softening in Zr57-Al10-Cu15.4-Ni12.6-Nb5"

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016,  Impact factor : 1,825


A11.2016- W. Elkhal Letaief, T. Hassine and F. Gamaoun

" Effect of Hydrogen on the Stress Relaxation of Aged NiTi Shape Memory Alloys"

Acta Physica Polonica A , Volume 129,  Numéro4

2016, Impact factor: 0,43


A12.2016- Wissem Elkhal Letaief,  Tarek Hassin, Fehmi Gamaoun

" Rate Dependency During Relaxation of Superelastic Orthodontic NiTi Alloys After Hydrogen Charging"

Shape Memory and Super elasticity, Volume 2, Numéro 1

2016, ISSN: 2199-384X (Print) 2199-3858 (Online)


A13.2016- A. Bahloul & A. Ben Ahmed & M. M. Mhala & C. H. Bouraoui

"Probabilistic approach for predicting fatigue life improvement of cracked structure repaired by high interference fit bushing"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9957-6


A14.2016-  R.B.A. Ouled Ahmed, S. Chatti, H. Ben Daly

" Modeling of Hygrothermal Damage of Composite Materials"

Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 3 (2016) 137-144


A15.2016- Hassine Wannes1,a, Anouar Nasr1,2 and Chokri Bouraoui1,3

"New fatigue limit assessment approach of defective material under fully reversed tension and torsion loading"

Mechanics & Industry 113, 310 (2016) c_AFM, EDP Sciences 2016 DOI: 10.1051/meca/2015064


A16.2016- A. Ben Ahmed & A. Nasr & R. Fathallah

"Probabilistic high cycle fatigue behavior prediction of A356-T6 alloy considering the SDAS dispersion"

Int J Adv Manuf Technol DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9628-7


A17.2016- M.M. Mhalla*, A. Bahloul, Ch. Bouraoui

"Analytical models for predicting tensile strength and acoustic emission count of a glass fiber reinforced polyamide using response surface method"

Journal of Alloys and Compounds xxx (2016) 1-9




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